Penetron Admix
Penetron Admix
is admixture waterproofing concrete material chemical activity and crystal growth inside. Penetron Admix is Crystal growth, cementitious powder, waterproofing system added to concrete as an admixture.
The Penetron Admix
can be used in the ready mix plant with the form of powder, directly added in the pre-weighted dry parts of concrete (in the lift-band), before the water addition or by addition in the mix truck, at the job site, right after the mixing (with electric mixer) with water – in the special mixing pails with measure. Mixing water ratio: mix well ½ of 18 Kg bag with 11.5 Lt water. The small packaging of Penetron Admix 3.75 Kg pail is convenient for the production of waterproofed mortars or small quantity of concrete in a small mixer. Mixing time in the mix truck or small mixer is at least 5 min.