AQUAMAT-ELASTIC Highly flexible, 2 component, polymer modified, waterproofing cement-based slurry.
Aquamat Elastic is a highly flexible, resinous, brushable 2-component waterproofing cement mortar. It is suitable for surfaces that show or are going to show capillary cracks, due to contractions or vibrations, on roofs, swimming pools, tunnels, above ground tanks, etc. It is used to seal surfaces from concrete, plaster, brick, concrete block, mosaic, plasterboard, wood, metal etc. It is ideal for applications where high flexibility is required and good adhesion of the sealing layer.
ADVANTAGES Aquamat Elastic
Aquamat Elastic has Crack-bridging ability, Total waterproofing against positive hydrostatic pressure up to 5atm. Can also withstand negative pressure, Vapor permeability, Suitability for potable water tanks, as well as food contact surface, Resistance to UV radiation, Protection of concrete from carbonation. • No corrosive effect on the reinforcing steel in concrete, Bonding to slightly wet surfaces without priming. • Simple and low cost application. • Suitability for green roofs, etc., as it is certified as root-resistant, also works as a radon barrier.