Add to wishlist Anchorage

High-flow non-shrink cementitious anchoring grout
Cast non-shrink cementitious mortar
SikaGrout 212 Classic
Non - shrink grout
Sika AnchorFix 3030
SikaGrout 3200, cementitious, fast hardening free flowing grout which is shrinkage compensated and achieves high early and final strengths.
High-flow cementitious mortar with high compressive strength and fatigue resistance for anchoring and grouting onshore wind turbines

Ioannidis Monotika SA
Monastiriou 321 Str.
Thessaloniki P.C. 54628
T. (+030) 2310 708 455
E. [email protected]
ΑΡ.ΓΕΜΗ 59124204000
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